Odd Fact Day

OK apparently it’s Odd Fact Day.  I have no idea if that is true or not I just read it somewhere online & decided it was a good excuse to write:

100 Pointless Facts Nobody Realised They Didn’t Care About

  1. The Cutaneous Rabbit Illusion is the feeling that a tiny rabbit is hopping over your skin
  2. The coldest place in the solar system is on the moon
  3. If everybody in a city painted their roofs with reflective white paint they could cool the city by up to 0.6 °C
  4. Keeping a plant on your desk can make you more creative
  5. There is a commonly held myth that polar bears are right handed
  6. A headless cockroach will live until it starves to death or is shot with a small calibre revolver
  7. Gone With The Wind is the highest grossing film in history if you take inflation into account
  8. The legend of the Mongolian Death Worm says it can kill humans by spitting sulphuric acid at them or & firing bolts of electricity
  9. A person is more likely to give you what you want if you touch them on the upper arm when you ask them
  10. Earthquakes on the moon are called moonquakes
  11. The oldest ever wheel is Mesopotamian & over 5000 years old
  12. Some scientists believe that a bees wiggle dance is mostly pointless & bees just go to where they think food is anyway
  13. Some male ducks rape the females of their species
  14. The highest score you can get on your first turn in scrabble is from the word ‘muzjiks’
  15. The word ‘crap’ predates Thomas Crapper, the inventor of the toilet
  16. Researchers found so many mummified cats in the 19th Century that they began to use them for fertilizer
  17. There is no proof that cracking you knuckles leads to arthritis
  18. Ducks have different accents depending on what noises they live around
  19. The blackbox for airplanes was invented by an Australian
  20. White lines & horizontal ridges in your fingernails is a sign of arsenic poisoning
  21. You can buy square watermelons in Japan
  22. Hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards
  23. A jiffy is 1/100th of a second
  24. The first napkin was Spartan, made of dough & called apomagdalie
  25. Robert Green, Henry Berry and Lawrence Hill were hung for murder at Greenberry Hill
  26. There have been actual documented cases of zombie trade in Haiti
  27. Microwaves do not cook things from the inside first
  28. Building a pyramid took approximately 10 000 Egyptians 25 years
  29. Most of Uluru is underground
  30. There is no such things as a truly one way mirror
  31. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong is not Murphy’s Law but Finagle’s Law of Dynamic Negatives
  32. 22-year old Marie-Augustin was jailed for 50 years for whistling at Marie-Antoinette
  33. No piece of square, dry paper can be folded in half more that 7 times
  34. The word ‘cookie’ is derived from the Dutch word ‘koekje’; the cake from which the modern sweet biscuit evolved
  35. Botox is basically cane toad poison
  36. Dr George Papanicolaou, the inventor of the Pap Smear test, performed a Pap Smear test on his wife almost every day for 20  years
  37. Champagne is not fizzy underground
  38. NASA is running out of radioactive material to power it’s space flights
  39. The earliest ever discovered animal tracks were made by a slug like creature over 565 million years ago
  40. The words ‘trousers’ & ‘pants’ were once considered obscene
  41. The sun weighs 1.988435 x 10^30 kg
  42. Pi has been calculated to over 200 000 000 000 digits with no observable pattern
  43. Charles Darwin studied to become a priest
  44. The world’s youngest mother was 5 year old Lina Medina
  45. The lightest substance on earth is called Aerogel
  46. There is approximately one chicken for every human being in the world
  47. A 9 sided 2 dimensional shape is called a nonagon
  48. Arbitrage is the practice of gambling on sports with no possibility of losing financially
  49. One day on Venus is longer than one year
  50. Aibohphobia is the fictional term for a fear of palindromes
  51. Top level male soccer players are more likely to have longer ring fingers than lower level soccer players
  52. The first recorded use of the word ‘software’ is from 1850
  53. The smallest measurable length is the Planck length
  54. It is illegal to hunt camels in the US state of Arizona
  55. The longest recorded game of Monopoly in a bathtub took 99 hours
  56. The world’s oldest joke can be traced back to 1900 B.C.
  57. The word ‘Ahoy’ was nearly the common greeting at the start of a phone call
  58. The earth rotating the sun is called the Heliocentric Theory
  59. Horses have toe bones
  60. Jupiter is bigger than all the other planets in our solar system combined
  61. In a gun fight, if you go for your gun first you will probably be shot
  62. Butterflies taste with their hind feet
  63. 90% of bird species are monogamous
  64. The word ‘skepticisms’ is the longest word typed using alternate hands
  65. The oldest known depiction of a parachute is from Italy in the 1470s
  66. In term of DNA we are only 1.2% different to apes
  67. In North America the Mexicn Wave is referred to as The Wave & is believed to have been invented in 1981
  68. Only female mosquitos bite
  69. The Steeple Chase began in the 1750s when two riders decided to race their horses between two churches
  70. Psycho was the first film to have a flushing toilet scene
  71. To morn the death of cats ancient Egyptians would shave their eyebrows
  72. A flush toilet exists today that dates back 4000 years
  73. Astronauts can now ‘Tweet’ from space
  74. Mickey Mouse’s name in Italy is Topolino
  75. There is a huge cloud of alcohol near the centre of the Milky Way
  76. The name of the character Elphaba from the musical Wicked is based on the initials of the author of The Wizard of Oz; Lyman Frank Baum
  77. Forgetting a task as soon as it is completed is known as the Zeigarnik Effect
  78. The Baji Dolphin became functionally extinct in 2006
  79. Chung Wan Ping designed an ash tray that senses when you are about to light a cigarette & reminds you of the health risks associated with smoking
  80. It is possible that cigarette smoke traces which accumulate on carpets and in furniture pose a cancer risk when they reacts with the air
  81. A fertile woman is more likely to be receptive to a corny chat up line
  82. Men who are born short or with a low weight are more prone to violent suicide
  83. Scientists don’t actually know why stars on the outer reaches of galaxies don’t fly out into space
  84. The biblical figure Ezekiel may be the oldest recorded case of temporal lobe epilepsy
  85. Roy C. Sullivan holds the record for being struck by lightning (7 times)
  86. The oldest known accurate map of Britain was made in approximately 1360
  87. Some scientists believe the moon was created by something the size of Mars colliding with the earth 4.45 Billion years ago
  88. The oldest recorded joke is about women farting in their husband’s laps
  89. The Million Dollar Homepage made $1 000 000 by selling 1 000 000 pixels at $1 each
  90. The planet Kepler 7b has the density of Styrofoam
  91. Velcro was invented by George de Mestral & its name is derived from the two French words ‘velours’ & ‘crochet’
  92. Each Bic ballpoint pen can draw a line between two & three kilometers long before it runs out of ink
  93. The Cambodian alphabet has 74 characters
  94. When the platypus was fist discovered it was believed to be a fake
  95. The word Pumpernickel loosely translates to ‘Devil’s Fart’ in German
  96. Studies have shown that homosexual men are attracted to the scent of other homosexual men
  97. Australia has approximately 20 sheep per resident
  98. The word ‘queue’ is the only English word that is pronounced the same if you take away the last four letters
  99. In 1386 in Falaise, Normandy, France, after a fair trial with legal representation, a pig was dressed in a man’s clothing & hung for the murder of a young girl
  100. James Dean died in 1955 driving his Porshe Spyder, the engine of which was taken to a mechanic upon whom it fell, breaking his leg, then sold to a doctor, who died using it in the same race that killed another driving using the cars drive shaft, before the car’s shell was put on display at a showroom, which later burned down, & then again in Sacramento where it fell on a spectator, breaking his hip, prior to being shipped to Oregon where it smashed through a shop window and later broke into 9 pieces while sitting on steel supports.

All of these facts are completely true as far as I know but I will admit that some of my sources are a bit dubious.  If you have read this far then I strongly suggest you read Dr Richard Wiseman’s book ’59 Seconds’.  It contains some marvelous tips on dating.

Unless there is a next time.
Goodbye forever.

Luke Venables
Bald Eagle Hair Stylist

3 Responses to “Odd Fact Day”

  1. Do you really have the time, and the incluination to read all these? Because I certainly don’t!

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Luke Venables, Luke Venables. Luke Venables said: Odd Fact Day: http://wp.me/pNH9h-S […]

  3. I read them all! My favourite one was absolutely #1. Surprise. And then I went and googled the preggo 5 year old to make sure it was real, cause dude, that’s some crazy shit right there. Maybe not as crazy as hanging a pig dressed like a man…just maybe.

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